Wednesday, October 23, 2013

FAMILY: Tuesday & Wednesday

Mac made a spider hat yesterday at pre-school.  He was apparently really excited about making it but once it was made, he wanted nothing to do with it.  At least for a couple of hours.....

Joe had to run some errands so I got to hang out with Godzilla for a little bit.  He decided that he wanted to spend the time reading.  He likes to read which makes me happy.

Mac has been in a really not great mood for the first couple of hours that he gets home.  I am not sure what his deal has been.  He does eventually get over it but it is pretty painful for all parties involved for a little bit.  Once he gets over being a butthead, he is hilarious.  Last night or the other night, he decided to break it down....

This pregnancy so far has been COMPLETELY different than my pregnancy with Mac.  It is wiping me out.  I have felt pretty bad for the last couple of days but today it hit me pretty hard.  I went home from work at lunch and just slept for a couple of hours.  I went to bed last night at 8 and I will probably do that again tonight.  This pregnancy has had a litany of not so awesome symptoms.  Don't get me wrong....I am crazy excited to be pregnant again but good gracious.  Morning sickness.  Lack of appetite.  Giant appetite.  Complete and utter exhaustion.  Light headedness.  Body aches.  Cramps.  Dizziness.  Shaky hands.  Headaches.  It makes me feel bad that I feel so physically just off.  I don't have the energy to be awesome at work or the energy to be awesome at home.  I know this will eventually (fingers crossed) stop but man it is difficult to deal with and work at the same time.

Once my little man got over his today's crankiness, he definitely got some cuddle time in with me which always makes me feel better!

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