Saturday, October 12, 2013

FAMILY: Organizing

I have let the house organizing lag a little bit.  In my defense, growing a bambino is exhausting as is having a two year old and a husband and working!  Today, I tackled Mac's closet.  I had just been throwing clothes that he outgrew in the floor of his closet.  I separated them by size and boxed them up.  Then Joe went through Mac's clothes that are hanging.  We boxed up pretty much all of Mac's 3t clothes.  We discovered that we probably should have done that a while ago because Mac doesn't have much clothes....well at least long sleeve warm clothes!  We also discovered that Mac has like 2 pairs of shoes that fit.  GIANT GROWING BOY.

How lucky was I that just this morning I got an email from Old Navy saying the entire store was on sale?????  We ran over to Old Navy and got Mac some shirts and a pair of pants.  I really really wanted a "Big Brother" tshirt so I could take a picture of Mac in it.  I used to see them all over the place and now that I want one of course I can't find one!  Joe picked out this sweater that has a super hero on it with the word "POW" came from Baby Gap.  It is actually pretty cute!  The nice cashier at Old Navy gave Mac a balloon.  He LOVED it.

We ran to Target afterwards because I really have it in my head to own a "Big Brother" tshirt.  But of course Target didn't have one either.  Mac and I had a great time though trying on weird Halloween hat/wig things!

After Target, we ran to Home Depot.  We bought a crazy amount of wood the other day (which Joe is currently chopping up) but we needed something to hold it.  We bought a 8 foot long firewood rack.  It is now in our garage and Joe is stocking up the firewood on it!  Our fireplace keeps our house pretty toasty.  Plus a fire is always awesome!

Yesterday, I REALLY wanted pizza.  So we called in an order to Moose's Tooth.  This was Mac's face when he figured out we were getting pizza for dinner......"I hold pitza"

We always order the Avalanche pizza and it is delish.  It does have a little kick to it but Mac doesn't seem to care....he tears it up!!!!!!!

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