Sunday, October 13, 2013

FAMILY: Sunday Fun-day

Mac makes me smile.  This morning we ran to the grocery store.  We do our weekly grocery shopping on Sundays and we try to go early enough so that the grocery store is not crazy packed.  We got all sorts of goodies!  While we were out shopping I got an email from Barnes and Noble about a coupon.  Of course we had to then head to the bookstore.  I love their clearance section.  LOVE.  I found Mac a look and find Bubble Guppies book (he loves it so much that he is literally in his bed sleeping with it right now).

Apparently shopping wears out my husband.....

Joe helped me get all sorts of things done while Mac took a nap.  We cut up stuff for my lesson tomorrow.  He made 2 giant batches of Erica's AMAZING Chocolate Chip Banana muffins.

I made a taco dip for dinner.  I could have inhaled the guacamole all by itself.  The layers went as follows (starting at the bottom): refried beans, taco beef meat, guacamole, sour cream, cheese, and shredded lettuce.  We ate it with chips.  It was DELISH.  I know what I am going to be having for lunch this week!

I have been trying to think of "healthier" snacks and foods since I have to think of something bigger than me.  When we were at the grocery store, we picked up apples (yes, to eat with the awesome caramel), carrots, and almonds.

Today, we made it facebook official that we are expecting.  I collaged two pictures together and posted it via Instagram and Facebook.  The caption read " This Cash family is growing by one May 28th!  Joe and I have "a bun in the oven!" (And yes, that top picture is how we told our parents that we are pregnant)"


Just sayin.....I think the nugget looks like Plankton off of Spongebob at this point.....

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