Wednesday, October 30, 2013

FAMILY: Guess what day it is?

Guess what day it is?  HUMP DAY!  Thank goodness this insane week is almost over!  Crazy kids at work.......

When I got home from work today, Mac was still napping and Mary let me wake him up.  I kept kissing his adorable cheeks until he woke up.  Then I crawled in bed with him and we snuggled while he woke up.  He is adorable.  He puts off a crazy amount of body heat when he sleeps so when he wakes up he is covered in sweat.  It is kind of gross.

Then Joe got home and came upstairs to play!

Joe and Mary took Mac to go see the movie Planes in the movie theater.  Mac loved it!  He ate popcorn and had a great time!

FAMILY: 6 pm bedtime?

Yup.  On Monday, I literally went to sleep at 6.  I didn't mean to.  I just fell asleep on the sofa around 6.  Joe woke me up at 7 and I went upstairs where I was back asleep for the night by 7:30.  This pregnancy is wiping me out!  30 more weeks to go!  On a funny note, my students haven't guessed yet that I am pregnant.  I am not telling them but waiting to see who has the guts to ask first.  I feel like this could be funny.....

Before I went to sleep, we had Cash family time on the sofa.  I have no idea how we all fit!

After I fell asleep, I missed pumpkin carving. Mac, Mary, and Joe did a great job carving the pumpkins!

FAMILY: It's just another random Tuesday....

Mac got a haircut.  We took a photo opportunity before we left.....

After Mac's haircut (and Joe's)....we headed to Outback.  It was the first time I had eaten Outback in a crazy long time.  I got chicken and a salad.  (and Daddy, you will be proud to know that I did NOT get chicken fingers but grilled chicken).  While we were in Outback, a baby started crying and Mac was getting very concerned.  He is so stinking cute!

Due to a massive thing that will not be discussed, Mac had to have a bath.  He LOVES bathtime and could seriously stay in there all day if we would let him and the water would not get cold.....

FAMILY: Mac's haircut

Mac got his first official haircut!  As in a real haircut.  As in Joe and I just did not shave his head.  He looks so cute!  We went to a local place called A Haircut for Peanuts.  He was not terribly excited or happy at first.  About midway through the haircut, he looked down and saw his hair.  He promptly said "my hair broken."  It was super cute!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

FAMILY: Thinking Ahead

We have already gotten a couple of questions about Christmas ideas for Mac.

Here are some ideas......

He is currently fascinated with the tv shows Bubble Guppies and Team Umizoomi.
Hot wheels are always awesome in his world.
He still loves Towmater.

FAMILY: Tuesday & Wednesday

Mac made a spider hat yesterday at pre-school.  He was apparently really excited about making it but once it was made, he wanted nothing to do with it.  At least for a couple of hours.....

Joe had to run some errands so I got to hang out with Godzilla for a little bit.  He decided that he wanted to spend the time reading.  He likes to read which makes me happy.

Mac has been in a really not great mood for the first couple of hours that he gets home.  I am not sure what his deal has been.  He does eventually get over it but it is pretty painful for all parties involved for a little bit.  Once he gets over being a butthead, he is hilarious.  Last night or the other night, he decided to break it down....

This pregnancy so far has been COMPLETELY different than my pregnancy with Mac.  It is wiping me out.  I have felt pretty bad for the last couple of days but today it hit me pretty hard.  I went home from work at lunch and just slept for a couple of hours.  I went to bed last night at 8 and I will probably do that again tonight.  This pregnancy has had a litany of not so awesome symptoms.  Don't get me wrong....I am crazy excited to be pregnant again but good gracious.  Morning sickness.  Lack of appetite.  Giant appetite.  Complete and utter exhaustion.  Light headedness.  Body aches.  Cramps.  Dizziness.  Shaky hands.  Headaches.  It makes me feel bad that I feel so physically just off.  I don't have the energy to be awesome at work or the energy to be awesome at home.  I know this will eventually (fingers crossed) stop but man it is difficult to deal with and work at the same time.

Once my little man got over his today's crankiness, he definitely got some cuddle time in with me which always makes me feel better!

Monday, October 21, 2013

FAMILY: Crafty Sunday

We got things accomplished yesterday.  Mac colored halloween papers....

We made Monster cookies.....which Mac was scared to eat today at Erica's.....

We also made a batch of Oktoberfest beer......

Saturday, October 19, 2013

FAMILY: Lazy Saturday

I have spent a large portion of Saturday on the sofa.  Watching football (getting seriously annoyed at football). Watched Sandra Bullock's movie "The Heat."

Yesterday, we drove out to Wasilla and bought my new car.  I got a red 2014 Ford Explorer.  The seats are crazy comfortable.  I am super happy about it.  What made it even more awesome was that Mac slept through the majority of the buying experience.

Mac has had a great time pulling out all of his toys and playing with our slippers and boots....

Earlier this morning Mac wanted his hat and coat on because it was time to "go to Erica's".......It makes me happy that he loves going to Erica's so much!

And this is how Mac watches tv in our bedroom....

Monday, October 14, 2013


Today, Joe had to go in our storage under the stairs and dig out my maternity pants.  Why you ask?  You say "Jami, you are only two months along" and my response is that my regular pants are no longer comfortable.  AND I am not comfortable wearing my pants undone with a belly band over it.  That is why.  I looked in the mirror today and apparently the bump has started to make it's appearance.  I am still in the "is she fat or is she pregnant" phase but I have no doubt that I will be out of that phase pretty quick.

See?  Is she fat or is she pregnant?  Either way we hauled our happy family over to Target because this mama needed new belly bands to hold up my maternity pants.  I am a good twenty pounds lighter in this pregnancy so my old maternity clothes are not fitting the way they did before.  I guess I will just have to eat more...... ;)

Earlier Mac wanted to check the mail....we totally forgot that it was Columbus day so the mail did not come.  He is just so dang cute!

I had a Dairy Queen chicken strip basket craving earlier.  AND BONUS it came with ice cream with caramel (and yes I did end up not feeling good later).  Mac loved to help Joe and me share our ice cream.  "Mommy, I get bite ice cream? PEAS"

Check out this crazy moose that Joe saw earlier today!  Gotta love the Alaskan wildlife!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

FAMILY: Sunday Fun-day

Mac makes me smile.  This morning we ran to the grocery store.  We do our weekly grocery shopping on Sundays and we try to go early enough so that the grocery store is not crazy packed.  We got all sorts of goodies!  While we were out shopping I got an email from Barnes and Noble about a coupon.  Of course we had to then head to the bookstore.  I love their clearance section.  LOVE.  I found Mac a look and find Bubble Guppies book (he loves it so much that he is literally in his bed sleeping with it right now).

Apparently shopping wears out my husband.....

Joe helped me get all sorts of things done while Mac took a nap.  We cut up stuff for my lesson tomorrow.  He made 2 giant batches of Erica's AMAZING Chocolate Chip Banana muffins.

I made a taco dip for dinner.  I could have inhaled the guacamole all by itself.  The layers went as follows (starting at the bottom): refried beans, taco beef meat, guacamole, sour cream, cheese, and shredded lettuce.  We ate it with chips.  It was DELISH.  I know what I am going to be having for lunch this week!

I have been trying to think of "healthier" snacks and foods since I have to think of something bigger than me.  When we were at the grocery store, we picked up apples (yes, to eat with the awesome caramel), carrots, and almonds.

Today, we made it facebook official that we are expecting.  I collaged two pictures together and posted it via Instagram and Facebook.  The caption read " This Cash family is growing by one May 28th!  Joe and I have "a bun in the oven!" (And yes, that top picture is how we told our parents that we are pregnant)"


Just sayin.....I think the nugget looks like Plankton off of Spongebob at this point.....

ALASKA: Sarah's pictures

Sarah emailed me her pictures that she took when we did the Trail of Blue Ice and when we saw the Bore Tide.  She got some pretty cute ones of Mac!