Sunday, September 1, 2013

FAMILY: Beer butt

Ha.  I just wanted to say beer butt.  BUT we did have beer butt chicken for dinner last night.  Joe found a recipe online.  He was so proud of himself....

This was my view yesterday when I watched my Dawgs lose.  It's ok.  I am still a die-hard Dawg fan!

This was when I got kicked out of the boys clubhouse....I have a feeling this is going to be a common theme for the rest of my life....

I did get some morning snuggles this morning from my little man.  He has a slight cold right now so he rotates between being cranky and wanting to snuggle.  I can't complain much though because Joe and I tried to think of the last time Mac was sick and we couldn't remember.....

Let's see if this video will load.....

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