Sunday, April 15, 2012

When times get tough....walk it off.

So I now have a couple of mottos.  I figure I need to think of things to try to be positive.  The first quote I found while googling quotes to make a friend of mine feel better.  I couldn't find a quote for her but I found an awesome one for me!

"Tough times never last, but tough people do."

The next quote always makes me think of what my Daddy or any coach I have ever had said to me.  Every time that I got knocked down or jammed my finger or did anything painful while playing a sport, I was immediately told to "walk it off."  I HATED being told that.  However when I started coaching myself, I found myself saying it to my basketball girls.  So my other motto is.....

"When times get tough....walk it off."

I am not supposed to be doing exercise for pretty much the next month while we figure out what is going to go on with me.  However, I feel like leisurely strolling is not technically exercising.

 GORGEOUS day + new bike trailer/stroller Cash family afternoon stroll

Mac had a GREAT time hanging out in his new trailer/stroller thing!  He sang to himself, played with his toys, ate animal crackers, bounced around in his seat.....I think when Joe goes jogging with him or when we pull him behind our bikes that Mac is going to LOVE it!  He always loves when Joe pushes him really fast in a stroller or grocery buggy.

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