Sunday, April 8, 2012


Mac had a great Easter!  He played literally the entire day!  He did not want to miss any minute of walking around!  He got up this morning to scrambled eggs and then he discovered that the Easter bunny had been by!

In the afternoon, we headed over to the Homerding's grandparent's house for Easter dinner!  We had a great time watching the babies play and watching Mac walk around everywhere.  Their grandma got Mac an adorable Easter gift!  They are so sweet and we are very lucky to have great people like the Homerding's in our lives!  We talked a lot about how excited we are for summer and camping weather as well as the guys' softball team to start up.

On the way home, we stopped by Babies R Us and played with some of the strollers.  We really need to find a lightweight everyday stroller for Mac.  We are also looking for a great bike trailer that can convert into a good jogging stroller.  I wish we could afford the best (which is apparently a Burley or a Chariot) but they are EXPENSIVE!  So I think we are going to stick with like a Schwinn.  We will see!  Apparently Easter just all sorts of wore my little man out....

Oh, and on an Alaska note....we hit the snow record!  We have 134.something inches of snow which is the most recorded in Anchorage ever....

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