Thursday, August 7, 2014

Giggles & Tummy Time

Nora was in a fantastic mood today.  Mac was in a fantastic mood today.  What does that mean?  That this mama was in a fantastic mood today.

We did some tummy time.....(yes, even Mac got involved in tummy time)

Nora even rocked her adorable new Vera Bradley shoes (courtesy of Good Mama).  They were oh so cute on her!!!!

After tummy time, it was definitely giggle time.  Things that make Nora giggle: giving her fish face, fart noises, playing with her mouth, and her brother.

She even giggles at her brother playing with her sweet!

All of this excitement made my little girl not do her normal day time sleeping.  I eventually got her to sleep.  For like an hour.

Apparently, when I went to Zumba, she was not happy for almost the entire time.  She was just overtired.  Speaking of Zumba.  I did a Zumba class for three days in a row.  My body HURTS.

Good thing about Zumba today?  I came home to an AMAZING dinner.  Amazing.  Right now....I am currently thinking about eating the Oreos downstairs but I am pretty sure that it would completely counteract the Zumba class I just did.  Yup.  Going to be getting the Oreos.

I am going to leave you with the video monitor picture of my chunk sleeping.  My first chunk is fingers crossed passed out.  He was super good today so I hope we have a repeat tomorrow!!!!

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