Sunday, October 12, 2014


So once again I have been a little lazy in my posting.  Every time that I post I think about the fact that I need to do a better job.

Nora had a great time playing on her floor gym.  Heyward thoroughly enjoyed sitting next to her!

Peekaboo!  This was the carseat cover that we used with Mac but it doesn't quite seem to work.  We ordered a Carseat Canopy set this weekend so that she might be kept warm without it landing on her face.

We got an awesome box in the mail the other day from Mary.  Nora got bows which Joe helped to model.  Dork. 

I got some spooning action with my girl yesterday and she has a crazy good grip.  I love that chunky little hand. 

We came home the other day to twin moose in the yard across the street.  We were slightly nervous that the mama was nearby and then we would be in danger but we didn't see her!  That is probably the best thing because the elementary street down the room was getting out for the day. 

More bow modeling.  

We have had an obscene amount of rain lately.  A parking lot near our favorite coffee place doesn't apparently drain very well.

I also spent some time this weekend organizing my nail polish stuff.  I LOVE Essie polish.  This isn't all I own but the colors made me quite happy. 

My kids play together so well and it is awesome. 

snuggles with my Chunk!

At my Target run today, I found this skeleton thing for like $4.  Definitely came home with me. 

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