Friday, May 1, 2015

Cupcakes, tears, bathtime, clothes!

Yes that is a random blog title.  It accurately covers our family afternoon.  We picked up dinner from our favorite burger place in town and grabbed some cupcakes.  We went across the street to have dinner with our neighbors.  We love them!  Mac loves him some Avery.  Nora just likes being around everyone.

For some reason, Avery and Mac were both in cranky moods.  They burst into tears and tantrums for no real reason.  Kids are strange.  What did I do?  Why yes, I took out my phone and took pictures of them crying.  It made me giggle.

We decided to just bring Mac home and try to get him to calm down and take a bath.  We were really hoping that Nora would go to sleep but nope.  She was game on awake.  She speedy crawled into the bathroom to play.  She thought it was hilarious to hand toys to Mac who was in the tub.

After the bath fun, Joe decided to take care of the floors downstairs.  I kept Nora upstairs in my room while I folded laundry.  She zoom crawled herself all over the place.  She had a good time playing in front of the mirror.  Then I think she hit her version of closet.  She had a good time flinging the sleeves everywhere and wrapping sleeves on her head.  It was super cute!

This weekend we are going to do some cleaning and some more cleaning.  I hope the weather stays as nice as it has been because we can get some stuff done outside.  I really want my grass to turn green.  And I REALLY want my tulips to all be ok.  So far I have about 8 tulips starting to come up but that is no where near the amount I actually planted.  I also need to get by the local nursery and get some flowers to put in my green planters.  I am ready for color!  Everything is just gray and yellow and blah right now outside.  We really need just a good soaking rain.  

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