Monday, December 3, 2012

Fun Day Monday

Today was Funday Monday.  Which means interesting things happened.  First off.  It was COLD COLD COLD today.  Seriously we had a high of like 4 (no matter what the stupid weather websites say because my car never got above 4).  I completely spaced and forgot to take gloves with me to work so I thought my little hands were going to fall off while I was waiting for my car to warm up.  I did however have a GORGEOUS view of the sun going down on the mountains at like 3:15....

Another funday Monday incident involves an earthquake.  We haven't had too many big earthquakes while we have been up here.  Seriously, I think we have only felt one/two other ones.  Today, that changed.  I was holding Mac and playing in the living room when everything started shaking.  Joe and I kind of stared at each other for a little bit thinking it would didn't.  After about 20 seconds, we decided we better go get in the doorway.  Bella hauls it upstairs to go hide under the bed.  On our way to the doorway, we noticed that all of our wall stuff was flopping around (didn't fall off thanks to the awesome power of monkey hooks).  All in all it probably lasted for over 30 seconds.  When it was finished I was immediately curious to the magnitude.  The initial report shows that it was a 5.7 and located 34 miles west.  It has since been updated to be a 5.8 and only 25 miles away.  CRAZY!


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